Monday, June 04, 2018

We finally achieved peak hentai!

I have been working on the noble content, getting the "intro" for it prepared, coding in the systems to repair/upgrade the mansion, started work on the quests, which of course include a gold mine filled with tentacle monsters.

Right now you can buy new furniture, get the mansion and the city's roads and walls fixed, you can do the basic repairs to the mill (but I was planning a short quest to improve it, rather than simply fix it) and I am mapping and coding the gold mine (I think I'll make the map short, but packed with combat, ways to avoid it and secrets, so that it fits the setting). I also planned to have a very "rich noble" way of handling the quest, by hiring one of the guilds, but I wonder if it's worth doing it, because I doubt players would find it interesting. That's also why I am trying to add some curve balls to most of the events/quests in town, because just spending money is hardly exciting. I wonder if I should also have you act as the local arbiter for disputes among the citizens, maybe playing judge AND detective might be fun (or you could just be arbitrary, like any good noble).

This all plays out on some variables which keep track of the mansion's image (for potential noble parties in the future), the city's prosperity (which will affect your reputation with the citizens, as well as your tax income), and there is some stuff that is directly related to quests (re-opening the blacksmith will be entirely dependent on clearing out the mines). I imagine I'll have this all play out in the next chapter, with the citizens getting upset at you if you did poorly, and some political stuff that would need you to be popular with your peers, instead.

Some of this stuff is kind of hard to code, because it has a lot of moving parts (there are a lot of changes available that need your input), but I am working my way through the slog to get to the fun stuff.

I did some map work related to the stuff I talked about last week, so for example now we have a nice inn in Rahib (at the port), and there is probably something more I am forgetting.
Next week I'll still be expanding on these elements, and hopefully we get most of the quests done as well as the house upgrades. I don't want to get lost into the noble stuff, as I want to work on the main quest for chapter 3 as well, so I'll have to work hard! Anyway, thanks to everyone for your support, and see you next week! ^_^


  1. Is the tentacle in the pot behind the bar going to have anything to do with the tentacle filled gold mine?

    Also, will being a noble and owning land going to have any connection to being owned by Zante/having a vampire mistress?

    Thank you for all of your hard work!

  2. Say you go to hire someone, but no one is available at that moment. So rather than the guild a shadier type overhears you're in need and offers their services. Say they are highly skilled and rather than kill all the monsters, just capture them. Say they demand a little something 'extra' in return for actually finishing the job and if you refuse to 'pay' they just release everything and the quest fails.
