Monday, September 09, 2024

New Plan


I didn't feel the inspiration to work on the quest after all, so I pivoted to taking care of some extras from the previous month's poll. Specifically, I started writing some new reactions for NPCs. I added some comments by guild members, depending on your rank (they aren't necessarily rank-related, but they serve to show how their perception of you changes overtime and stuff like that). I also did something for NPCs outside the bazaar (so that they aren't stuck on certain outdated comments, and might have more to say depending on the chapter you are in). I did some more individuals here and there, as I think of who might need more reactions and to what quests or chapters.

I also wrote a new sexy scene for the "rude girl" in Tarisa (her scenes need Marintas's charm in order to trigger).

The plan for this week is more of the same, as well as the usual patrons-only monthly polls and art preview. I think this is pretty much it for the moment, but do let me know if I am forgetting anything.

Until next time! ^_^

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