Monday, August 24, 2020

No News Good News?


Since the release was just a couple of days ago, there isn't much to report from last week that you guys don't know. I have been busy answering questions about the update and whatnot, fixed a solitary bug so far, and generally handling the post-release activity.
For the next month, I'd like to work on at least 2 out of 3 things (then depending on how much time I have left, either some scenes or maybe complete all 3 of these):
  • Visiting Lord Kairos in his mansion;
  • Write the next quest for the adventurers guild;
  • Write the next quest for the mage guild (this one might be the last for the "main story" of the guild);
Visiting the mansion is the first one I'll work on. I already have a map ready in the game, and it should be a fun event. It will be nice to see the previous interactions change things here and there, and I think I can get some sexy and interesting material out of it.
The two quests I have a good idea of what I want to do. The adventurers will need some map work, however, so I need to think carefully and see if I can possibly finish it this month or if I should spread the workload over a longer period of time.
The mage guild quest could be complicated for the dialogues, but it doesn't have any other particular requirements (I could even do it without a new map, although I'll probably use one, in the end).
Other than this, I'd like something for the werewolf path, and perhaps I should add something for monster pregnancies, but other than this I'll probably decide later on what else to try and tackle (assuming there is enough time).
On a different topic, I was wondering how good these weekly posts are, and if there is anything you guys feel like it's missing. I try to keep things vague to avoid spoilers, but perhaps you'd like me to go into more detail? Do you want me to talk about technical, behind the scenes stuff if there is anything like that? Should I tell you what I am trying to achieve with certain scenes?
If you have any suggestions or thoughts on the matter, do let me know. These are to keep you informed, after all, it would be nice if you get the info you want. XD
That's all for now, see you guys next time! ^_^

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