Monday, January 20, 2020

Caliross, The Harem Anime Adventure

This week, I re-worked the quest a bit as I mentioned I might do (I think now the overall experience is improved, although I wait to see what the testers will have to say once I get a version ready for them), I wrote 2 new scenes for Carla, and I started working on the harem path. I think this is going to need quite some work, so I'll probably update it in short burst every month until it's finished. For now, I have the intro with the Santhora priestess walking you through the details, and being able to meet with the harem girls. There is also some "behind the curtains" stuff, so I can start to "evaluate" the players (finally the invisible "slut reputation" stat will play a role! XD).
Other than that, I fixed a bug and a few minor issues as they were reported. I'd like to release by the end of the week, but we'll see how things go. I'd like to add some of the stuff for Golden Leaf as well, but I'll have to be careful, since last minute additions would be impossible to deliver to the testers in time for the public release.
I think this is all for now (it was a pretty regular week, so nothing out of the ordinary to report). Keep an eye out for the next release, and make sure to share your suggestions with me, if you have any. Until next time! ^_^


  1. So what exactly is the harem path? Is it a reverse harem, or does erica become a harem sister and dress in the traditional harem girl outfit?

    1. The idea, is for her to be a "harem sister" for the emperor (and maybe become the empress at the end, if she plays her card right). This is a fantasy setting and a game, however, so she'll have more freedom and won't have to stay at court or wear specific clothes.

      That's part of the general plan, at least. XD
