Monday, October 14, 2024

The Unready


This week I did some more work on the quest (just a day) then I switched to other stuff which is easy to access, as I have been doing for the last few months. We got another scene for the girl in Tarisa tied to Marintas's charm, I wrote the ending slide for Sariandi, I did some other miscellaneous stuff (like fixing some scenes that were repeatable but shouldn't, or ones that needed a different intro for the repeatable scene, things like that), and I wrote reactions and some new content for cowgirls around the farm.

The patrons-only poll and the art preview should be ready very soon, and I should also share the game with the testers soon-ish. Release day might be monday, but we'll see. In the meantime I'll keep working on any task I can tackle in the time left (probably more scenes and/or more reactions from NPCs).

I don't think I have anything else to report at the moment, but I'll let you guys know if anything comes up. Have fun, and stay tuned! ^_^

Monday, October 07, 2024

Short and Sweet?

Quick recap of the week: Yef the female goblin in Tarisa got a new scene, I wrote a scene for the bad end in the new Golden Leaf quest, and in general I did more work on the quest. I figured out one detail that was keeping me from making progress last month, and I kept hacking at it in general. Still needs to be stitched together and expanded upon, right now it's a set of separated events, as I tackle first what I know will be in the quest, and leave the question marks for later.

Once again, I might work on something else for the short term, since it seems easier for me to mull things over for the quest over a longer time, while I do other work, but once again I am keeping an open mind about it.

That's it for today. I'll keep you guys posted on the progress as usual, so just stay tuned if you want more news! ^_^

Monday, September 30, 2024

Not-So-Sudden Side-Quest

I am back! This last week, I worked a little on TOTDC 2: I was trying out some "technical" stuff, to see if I could add new hair colors to Celeste's model within Ren'py, without having to add more work for my artist, and I think I got pretty good results, but I'll probably need more opinions on that before making it a final addition.

Working on it inspired me to try something I was considering for a while, especially now that the game's size reached's limit for uploads. I tweaked the gallery script so that it doesn't use duplicates, but takes the image from the regular image folder instead. It's been a bit painful (I found some ways to automate parts of the process, but it still took a good couple of days to sort things out), but now the game is 250 MB smaller.

I was reluctant to try this earlier, because I generally don't love messing with third party scripts, but I think it ultimately was worth it. One possible downside, is that the loading time for the gallery might be longer. It was already pretty long, so it's probably not overly noticeable, but I'll have to hear from the people that use it to get a better impression of whether or not that's bad. I assume the considerable size reduction still makes it worth it, but I'll be listening to you guys. As a result of this, I also didn't work much on the walkthrough, but hopefully I can get something done later on this month.

Other than that, I did some minor edits and work to wrap things up for Sole and Luna (specifically, the carillon scenes after the party at your new house). Now the carillon disappears as it should, and training with the two girls gives a really small scene, whether you decide to dance or have fun with them.

I am thinking about giving players a bonus for getting better at dancing too, so you could earn more at the Red Dune, but that should be it for that side of the game.

In the next few weeks, I should get back to the Golden Leaf quest. Hopefully inspiration doesn't fail me, and I make good progress this time. I'll be reporting weekly on this as usual, so look forward to those.

That's about it for today. As always, have fun! ^_^

Saturday, September 21, 2024

September Update

 New release is here! Don't play this together with your waifu, she might leave you for Erica*. Get the public version here or at Read the changelog here, give up halfway through because it's too long, start playing and get lost (rinse and repeat next month)!

*Honestly, it's more likely Erica would leave the game to get with another waifu, instead.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Pushover Erica


This week I wrote a new scene for Sariandi (this should be her final one, although I still have to write a repeatable version for it) as well as a new scene for Skylar (so you have more stuff to look forward to if you "rigged" her trial to benefit her).

I did some more writing for NPCs' reactions, and I also got busy with adding the new art and writing for the short story. I honestly wasted a bit of time tinkering with one of the art commissions (there was a minor variation I wasn't happy with at the end, after originally approving it), but overall I did most of what I set out to do.

Testing should hopefully starts tomorrow, once I double check everything is in order, and the new release should happen during the weekend.

I think that's all for now (forgive me if I am keeping things short, but it's a bit late for me). Look forward to the update! ^_^

Monday, September 09, 2024

New Plan


I didn't feel the inspiration to work on the quest after all, so I pivoted to taking care of some extras from the previous month's poll. Specifically, I started writing some new reactions for NPCs. I added some comments by guild members, depending on your rank (they aren't necessarily rank-related, but they serve to show how their perception of you changes overtime and stuff like that). I also did something for NPCs outside the bazaar (so that they aren't stuck on certain outdated comments, and might have more to say depending on the chapter you are in). I did some more individuals here and there, as I think of who might need more reactions and to what quests or chapters.

I also wrote a new sexy scene for the "rude girl" in Tarisa (her scenes need Marintas's charm in order to trigger).

The plan for this week is more of the same, as well as the usual patrons-only monthly polls and art preview. I think this is pretty much it for the moment, but do let me know if I am forgetting anything.

Until next time! ^_^

Monday, September 02, 2024

Warming Up For the Cooldown


Once again, I am back after a release. Last week, I worked a bit on the walkthrough (I added a new quest to the list, fixed some stuff here and there and so on). I have been bouncing back and forth between some entries, because I also got some questions about this or that content from people that were confused, and so it was a bit more laborious than I would have hoped. I'll probably work on it a bit more, if I can spare the time this month.

Other than that, I have worked on the succubus brothel at the military outpost. There were a few things which require some polishing (some dialogues + adding a "once per day" limit to the scenes) as well as writing a new scene for one of the girls.

Maybe I took it a little too slow, but I was feeling a bit tired after the update, so I guess this is just a reflection of that.

Anyway, next week is back to work on the Golden Leaf quest. I'll do one week of work on it, and then probably do other stuff which is easy to complete. I figure it's better not to rush it, so unless I am confident I can complete it this month, I'll just focus on other content (perhaps the romance path with Duke Kito's son and/or small quests + reactions to what you do and general content around the variou cities/towns. There is still a fair amount of stuff to tackle, so I am sure I'll find plenty to do.

Anyway, that's the idea for september. The weather should hopefully cool down soon, and I'll be able to enjoy my days much more as a result (fingers crossed). Have a nice week, and always look forward to more Caliross! ^_^