Last week I worked on TOTDC 2 for the most part. I need to get things sorted so I can start writing some posts to share with you guys, but this probably isn't the right month for that.
I also wrote a new scene for Caliross: new jilling off fantasy for Erica (risky sex, which unlocks if you have had enough pregnancies), plus I did some work on the bed masturbation menu to accomodate this scene and another one which will be added soon. I also fixed something (when using the generic masturbation scene, you could use the dildo even without buying it first) so it's a good thing I took a look at it!
As I mentioned before, December probably won't have a massive update: not only the holidays will likely get in the way, but I didn't get my usual week off this summer, so I am in dire need of a break.
The plan is to write a bunch of scenes, and continue work on the short quest I haven't finished, as well as move things forward with the cursed painting (perhaps wrap it up, if possible). Other small additions might include reactions/events from NPCs, and things of that nature, to keep with the previous month. I also REALLY need to make some time to update the walkthrough, so I have plenty of choices for what to work on.
Anyway, that's all for the report and this month's plans. I'll surely have more to share next week, so stay tuned! ^_^
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