Monday, November 27, 2023

Defining December

 The last update is barely behind us, but it's already time to talk about my plans for next month. So far, I fixed a visual glitch, added a toggle in the debug tools for those who want to switch between Jin and Lea, and I started working again on the final Outcasts quest. Still mapping, for now, but I should move to writing and gameplay soon. Once again, I am not sure if I can push to finish it this month, or if I'll just do more work in preparation for the next, so I can finally put everything together, but I'll probably work on it this whole week, at minimum.

Another thing I'll definitely work on this month is the Orc village, and that should be easier to complete. After that, I'll try to complete some stuff in the academy (the Marjorie sub path isn't missing much, for example). More detailed plans will have to wait until I know for sure if I can focus on the quest this month or not.

I think that's about it for now. As usual, the holidays will probably slow things down a bit, either for this release or the next one, but that's to be expected. Stay tuned to learn how much progress I am making, until next time! ^_^

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