With last month's release, I think I have covered all the big items still left on my to-do list. This means that from now on it's all small quests, events and scenes. Hopefully, the game should be completed soon-ish. I'll try to give you guys an heads up of at least 2-3 months when I feel confident I have narrowed down the 1.0 release, but be aware that it should be coming this year.
I feel like I should apologize for how long things have dragged, but at least I can say I tried my best for the game, and I think the results are good.
I need to check my notes and cut anything that I don't feel strongly about at this stage. This does mean some of the stuff I wanted and that the game hinted at might not happen after all, but I am sure everyone understands how the game has been in development for way too long at this point, and that games can't be perfect.
If you have anything in mind that is obviously incomplete or that seems to not be in the game despite it being mentioned, feel free to tell me, so I can tell you what my plans are on this or that specifc thing (I might also need a reminder, you never know XD).
Anyway, setting aside the long-term, this month will probably have a bit of a shorter cycle. I'd like to release around the 21st, as I try to drag the releases back to the middle of the month (I think it makes the most sense to have flexibility without having to worry about getting too close to the end of the month).
As for the content, I already did some work to improve the quest from last month: I added a new music track, and I started writing some dialogues for the people in town, so that they comment on the aftermath of the quest (it seems appropriate that they'd have something to say, plus it's a way to celebrate and recognize the players' effort in getting things done). I also did some other minor tweaks and changes, to improve the experience. Once I get my hands on the new art, I'll also add the visuals for the scenes I mentioned last time.
Other than that, I plan to review/expand some of the pregnant content: a new scene for when you are pregnant at home will be added, plus I'll see if I can add more NPCs to the "father roster". I might also cut some of the planned content in there (I am still debating if a brothel visit while pregnant makes sense, for example).
Finally, I'll see if I can add another short quest and a few more scenes, and maybe some work on the walkthrough/h-scenes list (long overdue for both). There is always something to take care of, so I'll try to juggle the game's various needs. Again, if you have something on your mind, make sure to leave a comment. See you next week! ^_^